has shown us repeatedly that although truth may be on the side of the
oppressed, the unification of Black minds and bodies will always be
perceived to be a threat by the government and other oppressive power
many younger members of the ummah and among the greater African
American community have questioned the power and influence of the Civil
Rights era leaders to handle the challenges that face African Americans
today. Shaykh Abdul-Karim is one example of a multi-generational legacy
who has had the foresight to pass the torch when necessary and unite
brothers and sisters across socio-economic, ethnic and madhab
distinctions. The mission of MAR may have best been reflected by the
mural of Imam Khomeini and Malcolm X, that once faced Masjid Al-Rasul,
LA. Imam Khomeini aligned his teachings with the objectives of the
Prophetic mission of Muhammad (saw) which “was to teach the people the
path to eliminate oppression; to teach the path that would enable the
people to confront the exploiting power.” [1] For Shaykh Abdul-Karim,
establishing this justice aligns with preparing for Imam Mahdi (ajf) who
the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) tells us: “After me are Caliphs and
after Caliphs, rulers and after rulers, kings and after kings, emperors
and tyrannical and rebellious dictators. After that a man from my Ahlul
Bayt (a.s.) will reappear and fill the earth with justice and equity
just as it would be fraught with injustice and oppression.” [2] This
mission and legacy is not without its challenges as exhibited by the FBI
raid and the struggles to fund necessary programing costs for the
expansion of the Masjid Al-Rasul Foundation into the Fifth Ward in
Houston, Texas, and more recently, Chicago. Despite these challenges,
MAR proceeds.
tradition shows that the administrators of the Muslims shall be of
various kinds: some caliphs, some kings and some tyrants. They will fill
up the earth and cities with injustice. After that Almighty God will
send the great savior, Mahdi (a.s.) of the Progeny of Muhammad (S) and
he will destroy the tyrants and establish divine Law on the earth. As we
await this justice and establishment of divine law we must prepare; and
to do so, leaders from African American communities must create spaces
to take care of our
unique needs. All three locations of MAR — Los Angeles, Houston, and
Chicago — seek to provide this space and the resources needed to
cultivate the sense of self-awareness that strengthens the souls,
provides nourishment to the bodies and serves truth to the oppressed in
times of rampant anti-Blackness and anti-Islamic sentiment.
belief in Mahdi (mghr), the savior, is not only held by Shi’a, but by
all Muslims-as well- whether Shi’a or Sunni: Even non-Muslims believe in
the savior in some way or another.- Ayatollah Khamenei
the many sunnah (traditions) that implore Muslims to abstain from
suspicion, it arises, and therefore having strong leadership to
spearhead initiatives such as MAR helps ground this project and endear
it to the communities which it serves. About 6 years ago Shaykh
Abdul-Karim’s grandson, Hassan Abdul-Karim, began laying the groundwork
to expand his grandfather’s mission. Who better to facilitate this
Islamic mission of peace, justice and education than a brother with a
master’s degree in teaching education, bachelor’s degree in English,
several years of teaching experience and three years of hawza (Islamic
seminary) studies completed.
as he has just completed his third year of hawza studies at the Ahl
al-Bayt Islamic Seminary located in Chicago, Hassan Abdul-Karim bridges
the gap of Islamic literacy with his lived experiences of the oppression
of Black communities spanning from his grandfather’s community in LA to
New York, Imam Jamil Al-Amin’s community in Atlanta, Ga, Houston and
many others. His foresight allows for community development that serves
the unique needs of each city in which Masjid Al-Rasul is located. In
LA, gang-related issues, poverty and crime were key concerns. In
Houston, crime, poverty and
educational resources for a largely African American and
Spanish-speaking population were key issues that that the masjid
addresses by offering programs in Spanish and English while also
providing traditional prayer services in Arabic. The Houston masjid was a
sincere labor of love in which Hassan Abdul-Karim took into
consideration both the history and needs of the Fifth Ward community,
once known as the “Bloody 5th”[3] to unite the community with communal
meals, activities such as Islamic movie nights, community clean-up
efforts and sincere da’wah through service.
MAR location in the South Side of Chicago will serve the community with
educational, workforce initiatives, religious and social services under
the advisement of Hassan Abdul-Karim and Shaykh Ja’far Muhibullah who
will assume the position of resident alim for the MAR Chicago masjid.
Shaykh Muhibullah has dedicated more than
twelve years of his life pursuing Islamic Studies in seminaries and
universities in the United States and Iran. In 2005, he earned an MA in
Religious Studies at Duke University before moving to Texas in 2007 to
pursue a PhD in Arabic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.
After a short hiatus, Shaykh Muhibullah resumed PhD studies at the
University of Tehran while also pursuing ijtihad with prominent
Ayatollahs like Waheed Al-Khurasani and Sayyid Kamal Al-Haydari in the
Islamic Seminary of Qom, Iran.
MAR Chicago will not be hindered by federal intervention, Islamic
elitism or the wealth disparities that exist for the community which it
seeks to serve. The niyyah is clear and the leadership is transparent in
their vision: to build a masjid and Islamic community in one of the
poorest neighborhoods in the U.S., in order to help improve the lives of
people that are the most impoverished, oppressed and forgotten in
America. To create the kind of masjid space where everyone is free to be
his or herself.
[1] Sahife-ye Imam (Dictations of Muhammad (s) to Ali (as)), Vol. 17, page 403
Kanz al-Ummal (Treasure of the Doers of Good Deeds), Ala al-Din Ali ibn
Abd-al-Malik Husam al-Din al Muttaqi al Hindi, page 7/186
[3] Name a result of highly publicized acts of violence that forever shaped the neighborhood
Narjis Nichole Abdul-Majid is a part-time lecturer in the departments of
Pan African Studies and Humanities at the University of Louisville and
Philosophy Department at Indiana University Southeast. Her research
interests focus on the African American and Native American Islamic
experiences (Slavery-Melungeons-20th Century Islamic Movements-Present
Day) with emphasis on minority voices.
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